Getter Done Gals


Saturday, July 13, 2024

Thank Yous & Gratitude

 Thank Yous & Gratitude

by Roni Bell July 2014

For the first time in the 110 year history of this old house, it has AIR CONDITIONING!!! YEA! YEA! YEA! Thank you, Scott Johnson, for spending your Saturday getting us "cool!"
Zoe Hunt - Thank you for your thank you. It made us smile.
Jeffrey Hare - Thank you for always giving of yourself to help Weld County Colorado Americans!
Benjamin Barr - Thank you for being one of few attorneys who honors our constitution and understands "statutes!"
Chuck Sylvester - Thank you for continuing to "take a clear stand," on the side of justice. You are the consummate "Good Neighbor." When you could spend your hard-earned money on playtime/stuff, you use it instead to defend your neighbors property.
Philip E Hutcheson - Thank you for building such a gorgeous fence around our flood ravaged corral. And thank you for digging all the weeds around our home. You and Beth Hutcheson are always giving unexpected pleasures. :-)
John McArthur - Thank you for being a "general contractor extraordinaire!" Your attention to detail is greatly enjoyed and appreciated.
Ron Morris - Thank you for spearheading the donations to help us rebuild. My gosh, we'll never be able to thank you - and all the contributors enough.
Brett Abernathy, Jeffrey Hare, Steve Moreno, Steven Reams, Jim Rohn and more, thank you for standing by us during my 2 1/2 month research/run for governor. Ron Arnold asked for my summary report (story).
Joe Bast and the Heartland Institute, thank you for putting on the best convention Chuck & I have ever attended!
John Coleman, Joe Bastardi, Craig Rucker, Dr. Tim Ball, Dr. Fred Singer, Dr. Jay Lehr, Jeffrey King, Dr. Patrick Michaels, Dr. Bob Carter, Dr. Patrick Moore, Dr. Roy W. Spencer, it was great to meet and listen to each of you!
Dr. Jane M Orient - need to visit with you!
Thank you Gene Koprowski, for researching "what it'd take to do a weekly newspaper." You're an appreciated friend!
Corey Ciocchetti - Thank you for giving us something to smile about each and every day. Love your Sophia posts!
Jody Bagley - you have no idea how much your "day in the life of a cowboy" shots are enjoyed! Never stop!
Shawn Mitchell - Thank you for keeping the bad guys on their toes. Especially the ones who aren't ballerinas. :-)
Meaghan Croghan - you're a blessing. Comforting to know there are young people in this day, who are cheerfully thoughtful, honest, helpful and FUN!
Michelle Balch Lyng - Thank YOU for staying on top of the energy business. You're getting the facts out there, and I appreciate that!
Ric Frost - let's just say you're the best damn investigator/researcher out there!
Dr. Angus McIntosh - Thank you for sharing your vast knowledge on policy.
Thank you, John Mueller, for fixing our lawn sprinkler. Nice to have an expert sprinkler guy who's conscientious!
Lois Herbst - Thank YOU, for being our inspirational mentor!
There are so many good people, I could keep a thank'n for hours. If I left you out, please know it's not intentional...I'm forgetful.
"Thank you, good people! You are special joy deliverers!"
Addendum: Since 2014, the following mentioned within have died: John McArthur
Ron Arnold
Angus McIntosh
Patrick Michael
John Coleman
Fred Singer
Tim Ball
Bob Carter
Jay Lehr