Getter Done Gals


Thursday, August 22, 2024


Bureaucrats, you need to spend one week walking in my shoes.
Who am I?
I’m that roustabout who keeps fuel in your vehicle and lights on in your home.
I’m that farmer who puts milk in your cup and eggs in your cake.
I’m that rancher who brings you too many products to count.
I’m the logger who harvests trees for your tables.
I’m that fisherman who catches your fish.
I’m America’s Resource Provider!
Walking in my shoes you won't find one minute to lie and coddle criminals and illegals. You wouldn't have time to campaign, grandstand or promote Al Gore's climate scam, unions and socialism.
Instead, you will be constantly interrupted and mandated to drop everything - to attend every meeting bureaucrats set up.
I've heard your "but, but, but I have a job” excuses.
Damn't all! We have jobs too! We work 24-7-365.
To replace 1 of us with 1 of you would cost taxpayers at least $175,000 per year.
Here's a walk in my shoes:
1) You launch the equivalent of a Wall Street Hostile Takeover 101. Here's how. You threaten me with your, "I'm going to shut down your business if you don't obey my orders!"
Then I have to stop my work, hire counsel, pay someone to continue our work, run into town and sit and listen to your plans about how you're going to trespass and seize my property so you can picnic on it.
2) Your actions cost me money!
In contrast, you get "paid" to attack me.
My "down-time" includes:
a) Paying my own travel expenses.
b) Hiring someone to carry on my work.
c) Hours of paperwork.
d) Sleepless nights.
c) I have to pay for counsel while you enjoy free AG's, DA's et al. County Commissioners - the first line of protection from federal overreach, are scare of you and therefore fail to help!
It's likely George Soros, China or whoever cuts your paycheck. How's that? You don't attack for free! The cost of doing business with you - the government - diminishes my profit margin significantly. In your Hostile Takeover 101 your march is to exhaust me mentally, physically and financially. You trespass, deny me use of my property and refuse Compensation!
Try walking in my shoes. Bet you won't last 3 days.
Wherever you shut down me - an American Resource Producer, you cripple America’s economy and jeopardize our national security.
But then, you know that. Jeopardizing our national security and crippling America's economy is your mission.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Thank Yous & Gratitude

 Thank Yous & Gratitude

by Roni Bell July 2014

For the first time in the 110 year history of this old house, it has AIR CONDITIONING!!! YEA! YEA! YEA! Thank you, Scott Johnson, for spending your Saturday getting us "cool!"
Zoe Hunt - Thank you for your thank you. It made us smile.
Jeffrey Hare - Thank you for always giving of yourself to help Weld County Colorado Americans!
Benjamin Barr - Thank you for being one of few attorneys who honors our constitution and understands "statutes!"
Chuck Sylvester - Thank you for continuing to "take a clear stand," on the side of justice. You are the consummate "Good Neighbor." When you could spend your hard-earned money on playtime/stuff, you use it instead to defend your neighbors property.
Philip E Hutcheson - Thank you for building such a gorgeous fence around our flood ravaged corral. And thank you for digging all the weeds around our home. You and Beth Hutcheson are always giving unexpected pleasures. :-)
John McArthur - Thank you for being a "general contractor extraordinaire!" Your attention to detail is greatly enjoyed and appreciated.
Ron Morris - Thank you for spearheading the donations to help us rebuild. My gosh, we'll never be able to thank you - and all the contributors enough.
Brett Abernathy, Jeffrey Hare, Steve Moreno, Steven Reams, Jim Rohn and more, thank you for standing by us during my 2 1/2 month research/run for governor. Ron Arnold asked for my summary report (story).
Joe Bast and the Heartland Institute, thank you for putting on the best convention Chuck & I have ever attended!
John Coleman, Joe Bastardi, Craig Rucker, Dr. Tim Ball, Dr. Fred Singer, Dr. Jay Lehr, Jeffrey King, Dr. Patrick Michaels, Dr. Bob Carter, Dr. Patrick Moore, Dr. Roy W. Spencer, it was great to meet and listen to each of you!
Dr. Jane M Orient - need to visit with you!
Thank you Gene Koprowski, for researching "what it'd take to do a weekly newspaper." You're an appreciated friend!
Corey Ciocchetti - Thank you for giving us something to smile about each and every day. Love your Sophia posts!
Jody Bagley - you have no idea how much your "day in the life of a cowboy" shots are enjoyed! Never stop!
Shawn Mitchell - Thank you for keeping the bad guys on their toes. Especially the ones who aren't ballerinas. :-)
Meaghan Croghan - you're a blessing. Comforting to know there are young people in this day, who are cheerfully thoughtful, honest, helpful and FUN!
Michelle Balch Lyng - Thank YOU for staying on top of the energy business. You're getting the facts out there, and I appreciate that!
Ric Frost - let's just say you're the best damn investigator/researcher out there!
Dr. Angus McIntosh - Thank you for sharing your vast knowledge on policy.
Thank you, John Mueller, for fixing our lawn sprinkler. Nice to have an expert sprinkler guy who's conscientious!
Lois Herbst - Thank YOU, for being our inspirational mentor!
There are so many good people, I could keep a thank'n for hours. If I left you out, please know it's not intentional...I'm forgetful.
"Thank you, good people! You are special joy deliverers!"
Addendum: Since 2014, the following mentioned within have died: John McArthur
Ron Arnold
Angus McIntosh
Patrick Michael
John Coleman
Fred Singer
Tim Ball
Bob Carter
Jay Lehr

Friday, March 8, 2024


DENVER & WATER March 8, 2023 Roni Bell
Denver's headed in the right direction with recycled Water. Recycled Water could "free up enough drinking water to serve almost 43,000 households."
Many cities are adopting the recycling of water.
Frankly, I think that instead of developers demanding Ag water, states (with semi-arid deserts & deserts) should make it a requirement that new developments have its own recycling ability.
It's an aching insult to hear such as John W. Hickenlooper and now Jared Polis whine, "We have to meet population growth!"
Why? Colorado's a semi-arid desert!
Why do we "have to meet population growth?"
To fatten developers while skinnying our Resource Providers?
None seem to give thought to the law of diminishing return.
The best way Governor Polis can support Colorado's Agriculture and Energy Providers and developers, is to make mandatory: "Zero acre foot water loss from Ag. New developments must have a self-contained water recycling ability."

Monday, March 4, 2024



Takings without Just Compensation

A book titled White Rural Rage by Paul Waldman & Tom Schaller is just another full armor attack against our Fuel and Food Providers (FFP), aka "Rural." Why? Rural folks have the Land and Water evil entities want. All wars are fought over Land and Water. Borrowers from such as China and Federal Reserve use all kinds of weapons including wolves, 's climate, illegals invasion, water theft, conservation easements and monument designations to seize rural Private Property on both deeded and Federal Land. Why? To provide unencumbered collateral for their loans. If, for example, any FFP hater - like , , , , , , or , had to take equal the time off as do FFP to defend their property from Takings without Just Compensation, they wouldn't have time to politic, entertain, write books, dehumanize FFP and you-get-the-gist.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024


February 27, 2021  · 


Governor Jared Polis, NRDC, Great Old Broads, National Parks Conservation Association, Western Colorado Alliance, Colorado Wildlands Project, Conservation Colorado, Wilderness Workshop, High Country Conservation, San Juan Citizens Alliance, Wild Connections, Rocky Mountain Wild, The Wilderness Society, Western Slope Conservation Center, League of Oil and Gas and Impacted Citizens, you ran a full page ad bragging about President Biden's crushing blows against America’s Domestic Resource Providers and Property Owners.

Governor Polis, you made erroneous claims that have been debunked for decades.

Here are some debunked claims:

a) "Public" lands; there are no "public" lands that we know of in the United States. There are instead, "Federal" – or Split Estate lands.

b) Climate actions; Farmers, Ranchers, Roustabouts, Fishermen, Loggers + know the climate's been changing ever since there's been climate. They just "deal with it!"

c) Your BIG whopper was, "Now that we have a President that believes in science."

Correction Governor Jared Polis. You, Joe Biden and those who paid for the ad do NOT believe in science! You believe in Al Gore's AGW religion. An extremely dangerous religion.

We know you're making dictates based on Al's religion - instead of science. How's that? Because you REFUSE to debate scientists whose findings differ with Al's religion.

Why? Because you KNOW "real" scientists would whoop Al's butt in a split-second and expose his global climate change scam.

Growing government and shrinking Domestic Resource Production is a huge mistake!

Government employees do NOT produce products. They are dependent on those who do.

With that as a given, my claim is that you're fast tracking your war against producers to lockdown Americans into a jailed dependency on China for food and fuel. I mean, after all. Isn't that part of the deals Joe and Hunter allegedly made with China?

We know you're not after us because you hate us (OK. Maybe some of your underlings do.), but because you've been ordered to steal America's land, water, gas, oil and minerals to collateralize loans (Maybe even some personal loans Joe?) from China and Federal Reserve (aka Central Banks).

BTW - where'd ya'll get the bucks to run that full page ad? Got a mega rich sugar daddy financing your evil war against us?

Your Hostile Takeover 101 is actually an insidious form of STEALING PROPERTY! Your moves are deliberate ways to decapitalize us until we're so exhausted mentally, physically and financially we have no choice but to give up!

Unlike you, we don't have mega rich sugar daddies, like George Soros, financing us.

Sans the executions, your damn deal is eviler than anything Poroshenko, Kim Jong UN, Putin, Duvalier could dream up.

As you go about giggling, making money, bragging on Biden, running ads, and having fun at our expense, you're giving your loved ones a future empty of fuel and food.

And I don't find that funny, or anything to brag about. At all.

Why do you?

Saturday, February 24, 2024



By Roni Bell

Watching a terrific documentary on Duke Ellington, I couldn't help but reflect back to 1964 when I met the gentleman.

My then husband, a jazz keyboard player, was close friends of Omaha orchestra leader Lee Williams and his wife Laura Beth LeCox.

They invited us to a tiny private party they held for Mr. Ellington at their home.

My vivid memory is taking turns with Mr. Ellington listening to music through those newfangled fluffy headsets.

He'd sit in their big chair, put on the headset, listen, wink at me, then get up and say, "your turn."

I'd sit down, he'd help me adjust the headset and I'd listen.

We took turns playing with that headset for quite a while. After all, they were a novelty back then.

I didn't know Duke Ellington was famous.

All I knew was, "Gosh he's classy! Nice. Handsome and TALL!"


Hubby who happens to like Trump

By Roni Bell   February 23, 2016

 I admire how skillfully Chuck weaves juggling hay sales, diesel fuel stock for hired men, being sued by Sorin (just because he's a "volunteer" board member who followed the by-laws), hand writing every penny spent in 2015 in an old Ranch Ledger (Tax prep.), pays bills "on time, all the time," sets more hotwire, losing a son, 2 best friends, nephew and both sisters within 3 months, getting pastures ready to move horses, airing up tires on tractors, meeting with darn near everyone on water, water, water, 4 farms and 2 ranches, working damn hard - and honest - in everything he does and funds individuals so they can learn essential information from great teachers like speaking coach Lea Marlene and property rights expert Dr. Angus McIntosh.
Chuck works hard trying to figure out how to get the attention of any elected official so bridges will be cleaned before flooding everyone on the Godfrey Bottom again (elected officials are too busy with "important" stuff).
He's always happy to put aside time to brief anyone on what constitutes private property on federal land (so feds will stop wrongful arrests and killings).
The BLM owes him nearly $1,000,000 (that's "one million dollars); but he's interested in collecting, only to "give it to support my fellow farmers and ranchers!"
He's an amazingly thoughtful, sweet husband, keeps a cheerful countenance, and – for 10 years picks up Seek the Cat every morning to tell him, “You’re the best cat in the whole world.”
He’s a good man. No. He’s a great man.
That’s what makes it heartbreaking to witness the rank vilifications establishment Republicans pitch at him, just because he happens to “get" (as in “understand”) Donald Trump.
But then, they don’t have to do his work, nor do they have the slightest clue as to do any one of the beforementioned. So that leaves them plenty of time to hate. The one thing they're good at.
Come to think of it, to date, I haven’t seen one Trump hater offer to help us or any of our friends. It’s the guys and gals who “get” Trump, who roll up their sleeves, pick up a shovel, get dirty, honor our constitutions, and get the job done.
Trump haters shrill at Chuck, “You’re a damn stupid asshole for supporting Donald Trump!” They don't detail why, they just hate, hate, hate.

I’m trying hard to picture Chuck as a damn stupid asshole. OK. I can’t.